Rip's Domain

ATI2DVAG.DLL BSOD and erratic behavior

Posted in TechSupport, Windows by rip747 on January 22, 2008

UPDATE: It’s been quite sometime since this post and I must say the problem has gone away. I would strongly recommend updating your drivers if you experienced this problem.

I’ve been having quite some problems lately with my computer. Seems that every time I remote desktop into my computer, my ATI card (Radeon X300) would goes nuts and cause a BSOD (blue screen of death). This really sucks when I’m away because I have to get a co-worker to physically power off the machine and restart it for stuff to work again.

According to the BSOD information, the culprit seems to be the ATI2DVAG.DLL file. I did a little digging and noticed that my driver version was, which wasn’t too bas since most of the people complaining about this problem had older drivers then me. I figured that maybe by chance ATI might have released a new driver (they are notorious for never updating there stuff).

Hence forth, I hopped on over to the ATI site and looked for a driver for my card. Wouldn’t you know it, they just updated the driver for the Radeon X300 (I’m talking literally 6 days ago). I’ve downloaded and installed the driver so now I’m at version Hopefully I won’t have this problem anymore.

I’ll have to wait awhile before calling this problem solved. You know how things always work great when you first install them and then go all screwy over time… hey, that sounds exactly like Windows o_O

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2 Responses

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  1. MikeO said, on February 9, 2008 at 10:07 pm

    I found this problem shortly after installing an MSI/ATI Radeon-based card (PCI-Express bus). I installed XP Pro SP2.

    After following a number of web links – including the download and install of new drivers, updating motherboard drivers, etc., even downgrading the hardware acceleration on the video card, the problem failed to go away.

    Neither Microsoft or ATI/AMD are talking about this problem. Strange, because it results inevitably in my solution:

    I tossed the ATI-based video card in favor of nVidia-based card. Problem solved.

  2. James said, on January 18, 2011 at 10:05 pm

    Hi, yes, I also recycled the stock ATI card that was in my Dell optiflex 755 only three years old. Put the nVidia based in it and no problems with my video.

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